School Board Meeting 6/9/2020
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
Please see the News section for additional information about the school board meeting scheduled for 6/9/2020.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
Please fill out our new survey on students and internet availability :)
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
6/8/2020 -Public School Board Hearing: Middle School Renovation Join by phone ‪+1 929-266-1047‬ PIN: ‪717 451 268‬#
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
Monday, June 8, 2020...Public School Board Hearing: Middle School Renovation. For further meeting info click here.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
“LCPS Celebrates 158 Years of Combined Service to Students” Article Link Here
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
SBO Facilities Meeting Jun 2 from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Facilities Meeting Join by phone ‪+1 929-266-1047‬ PIN: ‪717 451 268‬#
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
LCPS will not deliver meals for the meals program on Mon, 5/25 due to the Memorial Day holiday. We will resume delivery of meals on Tues, 5/26 & Wed, 5/27. We will resume normal Mon. and Wed. deliveries the week of 6/1. Thanks and have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
If you are a rising 9th grader, you'll want to check this out!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
Emotional Support Available for Students
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
School Board Meeting 5/12/2020 5:30 Follow the link:
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
Click the link below to learn more about celebrating the Class of 2020!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
Click the link below for information about Grading and Graduation for Spring 2020.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
Click the link below to view the most recent parent message from 5.4.2020
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
Lancaster County Schools Hot Spot and Device Update 4.28.2020:
over 4 years ago, Keegan Walters
LHS shares plan for graduation.....for more info click on the link...
over 4 years ago, Lancaster Co Schools
Reminder: Request Forms Available for Hotspots/Devices, Medicine & Instrument Pick-Up
over 4 years ago, Keegan Walters
LCPS Academic Update 4.15.20. You can read the update here or under the LCPS COVID-19 Updates button on our homepage.
over 4 years ago, Keegan Walters
Due to the severe weather today, 4/13/2020, the meal program has been rescheduled to tomorrow, 4/14/2020.
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry
There is the possibility that the food delivery for tomorrow, Monday, April 13th, will change due to severe weather. We will update you by 8:00 am if there is a time change for Monday or if the delivery day needs to be changed to Tuesday due to the weather. Stay safe!
over 4 years ago, Sarah Terry