Quarantine and Isolation Guidance for Staff and Students

  • For persons who have had recent confirmed or suspected exposure to an infected person (regardless of vaccination status), quarantine is no longer recommended for K12 School and Early Care and Education settings . These individuals may continue to attend programming as long as they remain asymptomatic.

    • Masks: Students/staff that attend programming during the 10 days after exposure may choose to wear a mask around others indoors. The date of last exposure to the person with COVID-19 is considered Day 0.

    • Testing: Persons who have had recent exposure may consider testing for COVID-19 ≥ 5 days after exposure (or sooner, if they are symptomatic), irrespective of their vaccination status. Schools may use available VDH testing resources to support this testing. Test to Stay is no longer routinely recommended. Schools that choose to implement Test to Stay programs can contact VDH for more information on available testing resources and/or guidance.

  • If the school or facility is experiencing an outbreak of COVID-19 that has been difficult to control or is unusual in size or scope, regional and local epidemiologists may apply professional judgment and recommend traditional quarantine and isolation standards be applied until the situation is stabilized